Monday, January 14, 2008

Chapter 1

Eric Maddy found himself getting enthralled to the LiveNet (apparently the World Wide Web had been renamed so since much of the world was driven by this huge network). His favorites were to chat with different people, across the globe and work with advanced high level brain-simulation languages like Z++, MyHive., He was a computer whiz at the Tong Laboratories, which was a research and product development company, in the AI (Artificial Intelligence) arena.

Maddy was a strange introvert guy, in his late twenties. He was definitely a “perfect-looks guy” with a fair skin, soft browny hair, and pale blue eyes held in pure white sockets. His guffaw was so unique, and that often distinguished him from the others around him. Maddy had always had a thirst for technology, and it was his childhood dream to become a scientist and invent some thing new for the good cause of the society.

Longer were the days, Maddy spent in front of his laptop, chatting chatting and networking with different people across the globe -

“Hey Eric this is Tina from California”
“Hy Tina, how are you doing ? “
“I’m fine Eric, how about u? “
“I’m doing great - thank you “
“What do you do Eric?”
“Well .. I’m a software professional”
“Where are you at ?”
“I’m right over the silicon valley”
“What do you do Tina?”
“I’m into modeling .. So what are you doing this weekend ? “
“Aargh .. Oh no .. gtg now .. catch ya later .. ?”
“Come on Eric .. dont go away now .. “
“GTG - bye “

Eric closed the window and called up his buddy Diamen ..

“Hey Diamen .. Yet again got the wrong person online ! “
“oh no! .. You have been stuck with same thing over a lotta times .. But still you aren't planning to quit this crazy stuff .. why dont you come with me and hang out in the physical world? Come on ..“
“I find some sense of less pervasive talks and relaxation online, and it feels really good when I get to meet a lotta people and make friends with them on the net ! You wont understand all these stuff man .. Any ways catch ya tomorrow .. Cya” and Eric hung him up.

Diamen was the Senior Technical Architect at the Tong Laboratories. He was a man of principles. A highly talented guy, in his late twenties. Diamen and Eric had schooled together and were close friends since then. Diamen always praised Eric for his scientific outlook and both were very rational in their thoughts. To the best of Diamen's knowledge there haven't been more than a handfull of happening events in Eric's life - A couple of awards recognizing his effort, appreciations at work place for his accomplishments; his mom whom he loved so much and literally spent days and nights taking care of her; phew and nothing else!

Diamen had just one complaint about Eric ..

“He is a mad man ! He has already wasted a major portion of his lifetime without having fun !! . . . hez such an useless stupid !!“
“Ok Diamen what has happened to the TEXUMPT software graphics?”
“Have you got it ready?”
“Hey! That isn’t my job!”
“Alright! Alright! Hows your girl?”
"Oh Great! I could work on the TEXUMPT graphics..."; giggles ..


Hi all,

Just wanted to start bloggin about a novel that I've been writing for the past few years .. though this is still a work in progress, I wanted to motivate myself to work more closely on it and hence started this blog to push me towards writing every week on it.

The novel is a suspence-scifi thriller revolving around a Computer Scientist Eric Maddy. This is my first ever attempt on this huge mission. Please do feel free to post your comments either online on this blog or you could always reach me at

Thanks for stopping by and happy reading! :)